Perceptions of Stroke Patients about Occupational Therapy Services in a Tertiary Level Specialized Rehabilitation Centre

Chanda NK(1), Nahar N(2), Sen K(3), Dipon MR(4)

(1) Lecturer, Dept. of Occupational Therapy, BHPI, CRP- Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
(*) Corresponding Author


Occupational therapy is one of the healthcare professions, which is directly involved with the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) and helps the patients for restoring their functional capacity. To consider the importance of occupational therapy services, the study aims to explore the stroke patients' perceptions about occupational therapy, who have already received occupational therapy services at Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP), Savar, Bangladesh. The researchers have chosen a qualitative research design to conduct this study. The study has been conducted among nine stroke patients aged 40-60, who have attended at least 12 sessions of the occupational therapy service at occupational therapy outpatient unit of Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed and are able to clearly communicate. The sample has been selected using the convenience sampling method. Data have been collected through face to face interviews with the participants, using a semi-structured interview protocol. Prior to data collection, the participants have been informed of the purpose of the study and implications of the study results, and then consent has been taken from them. All the data has been translated from Bangla to English. The data have been analyzed using the Qualitative Content Analysis approach. The study shows that the participants have no necessary information/ideas on occupational therapy after receiving occupational therapy services. They think it is one kind of exercise. Most of the participants have viewed that their improvement continues and they are able to participate in their self-care, productivity, and leisure. Some of the participants have reported that they cannot find/measure outcomes in their productivity due to their irregular participation as well as ignorance. From the patients' understanding, occupational therapy service has potential significance to involve the patients in their daily living activities (e.g., self-care, productivity, and leisure) and evolved as an evidence-based practice.

Keywords: Stroke, Occupational Therapy, Patients' perception

How to Cite
NK, C., N, N., K, S., & MR, D. (2019). Perceptions of Stroke Patients about Occupational Therapy Services in a Tertiary Level Specialized Rehabilitation Centre. Bangladesh Journal of Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1(1), 4. Retrieved from